Professional Liability Errors & Omissions Insurance Expert Witness

Those professionals providing client services have recently been held to an increasingly higher standard of care. Professional Liability insurance (aka Errors & Omissions and/or Malpractice Liability) is intended to protect against allegations of Errors & Omissions or Professional Malpractice against an individual professional or a professional services entity.
Directors & Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability are Included within the realm of Professional Liability. Coverage is most commonly written on claims-made policy forms.
Call (817) 980-4897 to discuss your case with Insurance Expert Witness Burl Daniel.
The environment for professional liability underwriting and coverage is subject to various factors, including:
- A lawsuit-conscious public fueled by 24/7 media.
- Public belief in “deep pockets” able to pay.
- Abundance of lawyers.
- Escalating court settlements.
- Punitive damages tripling damages in some states.
It is fairly easy to identify certain professions susceptible to Professional Liability claims:
- Accountants
- Advertising / Media / Printers
- Architects & Engineers
- Attorneys
- Environmental Consultants
- Insurance Agents
- Physicians / Dentists / Hospitals
- Real Estate Brokers / Property Managers
- Trustees / Fiduciaries
Though others may not be quite so obvious, the list of professionals with exposure to Errors & Omissions claims includes:
- Allied Health Care Professionals
- Arbitrators and mediators
- Bankers
- Claims adjusters
- Construction managers / Contractors
- Educators / School Boards
- Escrow agents
- Insurance Companies
- Nursing
- Payroll / billing processors
- Pharmacy
- Police / Public Officials
- Staffing / Professional employer organizations
- TPAs
- Travel Agents
- Website designers / Software programmers
Whether a given professional provided a proper standard of care is specific to the facts of each case. However, professional liability claims may include allegations of:
- Error, omission, or misrepresentation
- Failure to provide a service in a timely fashion
- Failure to disclose material terms
- Failure to follow client instructions
- Failure to properly advise
- Failure to keep client information confidential
Dating to 1973, Mr. Daniel placed Professional Liability coverage for clients practicing in a variety of professions. In addition to dozens of engagements for Insurance Agents E&O, he has been engaged as an Expert Witness in a variety of Professional Liability cases involving non-insurance professionals.
Professional Liability expertise includes understanding nuances of:
** In addition to the Professional Liability Cases listed below, please see our Insurance Agents Errors and Omissions cases. View “Insurance Agents Errors and Omissions” cases.