Commercial Auto Liability Insurance Expert Witness

The Complexities of Commercial Auto Liability Insurance
To insure this complex line of coverage, Commercial Auto (a/k/a Business Auto) carriers employ a wide range of policy forms and endorsements. While Commercial (Business) Auto policies provide restricted coverage compared to Personal Auto policies, they are used to cover fleets from 1 up to a 1,000 vehicles presenting a diverse set of loss exposures. Our technical skills to evaluate mechanics of coverage and claims handling issues were developed over decades of practice with Commercial Auto policies. Whether your issues involve long haul truckers, ‘Covered Autos’, Additional Insureds, Uninsured Motorists, Hired and Non-Owned Autos or coordinating Business Auto with Commercial General Liability, we have likely seen similar insurance disputes.
Call (817) 980-4897 to discuss your case.
Mr. Daniel’s experience with Commercial Auto Liability dates to 1975, and many of our engagements today involve disputes with this line of insurance. Mr. Daniel’s depth in this line of insurance was developed while insuring a wide array of Commercial Auto customers, including contractors, service fleets, garage keepers, and long-haul truckers. He has placed Commercial Auto insurance for fleet schedules ranging from one vehicle to over 100.
Mr. Daniel’s experience ranges from dealing with fender benders to fatalities. His expertise with Commercial Auto Liability includes the following areas: